Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year...New Hope!

  Here I sit on New Years Eve 2012 thinking about the last year...When I was diagnosed 6 years ago with Kidney Cancer, I never knew if I would still be here today.  Cancer has a stigma...Much like "The Plague" with facing your own mortality and not knowing this disease is attacking you from the inside with very few telltale signs you are being attacked...I am thankful to be considered in remission at 6 years, 10 years and you are considered cancer-free...The last 2 posts on my blog were guest bloggers who wrote articles about maintaining your health and nothing could be more important...My goal in 2013 is to lose weight, enjoy life more and to spend more quality time with my family.  It's time to dust off the old bicycle say "No thanks" to those chocolate chip cookies and Jamoca Jive ice cream...I will miss them :o(  I want to maintain good health  not only for me but for my family as well.  I know what you are thinking....Noone keeps their New Years Resolutions...I certainly want to try ...Here's to a healthy (cancer-free) 2013!

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