Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Cancer Changed me...

In December, it will be 4 years since I was diagnosed and my right kidney was removed and I have been cancer -free since(knock on wood.) I have been sitting here thinking of the blessings and changes in my life since I have been told I was cancer-free.

I appreciate the times I have with my family so much more and the milestones with my kids just seem that much more special to me. My sons are now 14 & 16 now and are such young men but I fear have had to grow up a little faster than most because of cancer. They are more aware of what can happen when someone is diagnosed and that their Mom was one of the lucky ones.

I never, ever take my health for granted...Before I was diagnosed, I was in perfect health...I had never even had a surgery before. It just goes to show that kidney cancer can happen to anyone. It did not run in my family...No cancer did...I had the occasional bronchitis and migraines but that was about it...Now I keep my doctors in the loop, no matter what!

The most amazing thing I think I learned from cancer is the friends that stepped up to support me and my amazing family that kept giving me endless hope. The phrase, "Don't sweat the small stuff," took a whole new meaning! In the past 4 years I have reached out to long lost friends(via facebook), reestablished a relationship with my father.(We hadn't spoken for 16 years-I know-crazy right?) So life really is too short to waste...None of us really know how long we are here for...

In December, I go back to my Urologist for a CATSCAN and a chest Xray to make sure no reoccurence for another year. I have to say my heart skips a beat until I get the results. A coworker of mine is currently facing the battle of her life with breast cancer and chemotherapy. I don't know her well but I have been praying for her daily because I know the havoc cancer can bring to your life and spirit. God bless her and her family and anyone else going through this diagnosis.

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